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Role of Pest Control in Preventing Diseases

Role of Pest Control in Preventing Spread of Diseases 

We understand how frustrating it will be to feel when a small mosquito bite has turned into a severe health hazard. The role of pest control in preventing disease is always underrated. People often think that pest control treatment is conducted just to control pests, and nothing more can be done by them. 

Pest control has become an inevitable part of ensuring the safety of public health. It is evident that the risk of disease outbreaks has tremendously increased in the last few years. This reminds us of the significance of pest control.

How Pests and Diseases are interlinked 

Mosquitoes can spread severe diseases to both humans and pets. Malaria, chikungunya, and dengue fever are common diseases spread by mosquitoes. Anopheles mosquitoes are the culprit in spreading malaria and Aedes mosquitoes are the root cause of dengue fever. Both of these diseases are also known as Vector-Borne diseases. In order to safeguard the health of the public, pest control treatments should be conducted and, hence, reduce the spread of diseases. 

Diseases can also spread from animals to humans. A good example of this is the Rodents. They can transmit serious diseases such as leptospirosis and rabies. These diseases are spread through bites, urine, and droppings of the rodents and are also known as zoonotic diseases. Conducting pest control awareness classes to the public by professional pest control services can help in ensuring the safety of every individual.

Explaining in detail about the disease, its root causes and symptoms make them aware how dangerous these diseases can be, helping to prevent further spread. Common respiratory diseases are often associated with indoor pests like cockroaches and dust mites. Proper awareness should be given to how these creepy pests worsen your asthma and allergic symptoms. Dust mites are not visible to the naked eye, and they live in upholstery, beds, and carpets. The droppings of dust mites can cause respiratory problems, and millions of people worldwide are easily affected by dust mite allergic reactions. 

To reduce such allergic reactions, effective pest control measures must be taken. 

Historical Examples of Pest-Related Disease Outbreaks

One of the biggest examples in our history is the Bubonic plague or Black Death which occurred in the 14th century in Europe. The reason behind the spread was the rats carrying infested fleas, killing millions of people. Mosquitoes are another major pest that carries Malaria and Zika virus, mostly in tropical regions like Africa since 2007. Major symptoms include fever and chills.

Northern America has also reported West Nile virus that is carried by mosquitoes, which leads to severe illness and death. Recently, Argentina reported a sudden outbreak of Hantavirus, a virus carried by rodents that causes severe respiratory problems.

The above examples signify the need for pest control and prevention to escape from the serious diseases spread by pests.

Pest Prevention by Pest Control Companies 

Regular pest control in homes, businesses, and public spaces is crucial to maintaining a healthy environment.  Pest control companies carry out pest treatments in a strategic manner. First of all, they inspect the infested area and identify the pest. Pest identification is a crucial step. Upon in-depth analysis, they come to a conclusion and then decide which treatments are best for the particular pest identified. 

If you are concerned about the treatment techniques pest control carries out, there is no need to worry. We follow the latest techniques and use eco-friendly products that are safe for humans and pets. In addition, they are completely safe for pregnant women and children. 

In Dubai, Al Rasa stands out as the best pest control company in conquering all pest issues. They have customized plans for every customer. Conducting regular checkups can protect your family members, especially children who are vulnerable to diseases. We also have commercial pest control in Dubai that ensures a safe workspace for your customers and employees. When pest checkups are done on a regular basis, we can keep the pests at bay, which will help in preventing the outbreak of diseases.

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