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Allergies and Pests- Pest control services

Allergies and Pests: Common pests that cause allergic reactions 

Have you ever experienced waking up with red, itchy eyes or sneezing? You might be allergic to pests that cause serious health problems. It is quite surprising that pests that we encounter in our day-to-day lives are the root cause of the allergies that we suffer from. Pest allergies are often airborne. When we inhale the dust allergens, it causes serious allergic reactions and may intensify asthma. To improve our health and overall well-being, we should know the interrelationship between pests and allergies. If you are unaware of the link between allergies and pests and the prevention methods to overcome it, let us help you understand it. 

 Common allergy causing pests 

Common allergy causing pests are cockroaches, dust mites, stink bugs and rodents. They are experts at spreading their saliva, urine, shed skin, and droppings that contain allergens. Since these allergens are airborne, they easily travel from one place to another, and enter the bodies of humans and pets. Common pest related allergies are sneezing, red itchy eyes, running nose, and coughing. These symptoms may vary depending on the type of pest.

 Common allergens caused by cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most commonly found household pests. They usually thrive in unhygienic conditions and can spread more than one disease. If you experience any of the below symptoms, your house may have a cockroach infestation. Sinusitis, Ear infection, Skin Rashes,  Coughing, Congestion and Wheezing.

  Allergens Caused by Rodents

Rodents cause allergic reactions when we breathe in their urine and droppings that are mixed with the air. Sneezing, itchy eyes, asthma symptoms, Stuffy nose, Rashes are the common allergic symptoms. 

Allergens caused by dust mites 

 Another common pest that causes severe allergic reactions is the dust mites. Since dust mites are invisible to the naked eye, it is difficult to understand their presence and infestation. Dust mites are usually found on furniture and floors, and they prefer to roam around in temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. If you are experiencing itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing, chances are high that you are suffering from dust mite allergies. 

Allergens caused by Stink Bugs

 It is a common misconception that stink bugs are poisonous. The truth is that they are not poisonous and don’t carry any kind of diseases. However, some people might have serious allergic reactions when in contact with them. Stink bugs produce a chemical, and whenever a person with sensitive skin comes in contact with the chemical, they easily experience allergic reactions. If you are ever exposed to stink bug chemicals, immediately clean the area with soap and water to avoid further irritation. 

Prevention tips to keep the pests out of the bay

There is an old saying that prevention is better than cure. Preventing the entry of pests is the only way to protect yourself and your family from allergic reactions. Here are some tips that will be helpful. 

Seal the entry points

Pests can easily enter your home or office through openings, crevices and cracks. Ensure that all those openings are sealed carefully. Do not miss even small openings. 

Store food in airtight containers

Cockroaches are attracted to food sources. Store food tight plastic or glass jars to restrict their entry.

Take trash out of your home

 Pests can easily set up an empire in waste bins. So regularly emptying the bin and keeping the garbage away from home will keep pests away.

Keep your home neat and tidy

Maintain a clean and organized space to reduce allergies. Regularly clean the dust and mop the floor thrice a week.

Reach out to the best pest control company in Dubai 

Even though you regularly clean your home, there are many hidden spots that are hard to reach, like behind appliances, inside sofas, and ventilation areas. Since it is difficult to clean these areas, it is a favorable environment for pests to survive. This situation may lead to experiencing allergic reactions. In order to completely prevent pests you need professional pest control services like Al Rasa. Pest control services are considered the best option to maintain a healthy living atmosphere and peace of mind. At Al Rasa we prepare customized strategies after a thorough inspection. Our experienced team members provide reliable solutions without breaking your bank account. 

Book your appointment now and get back to the home you wish for.

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